Tips for College Students : How to Make the Most of an Internship

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Tips for College Students: How to Make the Most of an Internship

6/19/2019 By University Frames

Tips for College Students: How to Make the Most of an Internship

When you are offered an internship, you are given an opportunity to accomplish three things: You are allowed to learn about your chosen profession, gain experience, and prove yourself to other professionals in the business. Internships can last for six months to a year. You should make the most of your internship and absorb everything you can. In the end, you may be offered a job with the company, or you may venture out and find employment elsewhere.

Here’s some useful advice for interns to make the most of an internship:

Always Be On Time

Being punctual is the best way to show responsibility and character. By showing up on time, you are showing management that you are serious about learning all you can about your position and that you are eager to get started. Wasting time by being late is not an option. If you are wondering how to make the most of an internship, the best place to start is to always be on time.

Boy Watching His Wristwatch

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Always put your best foot forward. Dress appropriately and show respect to those you want to learn from. Go above and beyond when it comes to proving yourself. Give 110% to every task you are given. If you make a mistake, take responsibility, and make an attempt to correct it. Take the time you need to learn each task the right way. Never rush your best work.

Employee Shaking Hand

Take on Extra Work 

If you see something that needs to be done, don't wait to be asked. This is how to make the most out of an internship. Doing extra work means that you are always ready to move forward. Take the initiative and be a team player. Stay active. If you can't find anything to do on your own, ask if you can watch another team work. Always make an effort to learn something new.

Office Boy Holding Files

Be Resourceful

Problems may arise that require you to think outside the box. Even if you don't have the required tools, odds are there is something you can substitute to do the job. Being resourceful shows that you are quick on your feet and that you have the ability to get things done even though you are under pressure.

Office Employee Helping Each Other

When you are trying to figure out how to make the most of an internship, all you have to do is give it your very best effort. An internship is a once in a lifetime learning experience. Make the most of it and learn as much as you can as you prepare yourself for the next phase of your life.


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