How to Prepare Yourself for a Virtual Interview

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How to Prepare Yourself for a Virtual Interview

4/13/2021 By University Frames

How to Prepare Yourself for a Virtual Interview

The coronavirus pandemic has mandated work from home to comply with the social distancing and self-quarantine measures to contain the spread of infection. Like working from home, hiring from home has gained significant importance. Many companies would like to hire employees through a virtual interview process to protect them from COVID-19.

What Is a Virtual Interview?

A remotely held virtual interview leverages the video conferencing software to keep the hiring manager and candidate connected over the phone or computer. Tools required for an online interview include a mobile phone/computer with a camera and microphone, a reliable internet connection, and headphones.

How to Prepare for an Online Interview

Here are some online interview tips to help you prepare for virtual interviews.

1. Test Your Technology

Check all tools and technology required for your virtual interview a day or two before to ensure they work effectively. Make sure:

  • Your computer is up-to-date with technical specifications
  • You have downloaded the required video conferencing software
  • Your internet connection is stable
  • Your headphones, web camera, and microphones are working

2. Limit Distractions

Though virtual interviews are considerably convenient, there may be a few distractions such as, messy surroundings, pets, kids, and more. To minimize such distractions and to focus on the interview, choose a quiet and clean place with optimal lighting and ambiance. Also, before your online interview begins, make sure to:

  • Turn off your TV
  • Put your mobile phone on silent
  • Close your windows to muffle outside noise
  • Ask your kids to be quiet
  • Keep your pets in another room

3. Familiarize Yourself with Common Interview Questions

You cannot exactly predict the kind of questions you will be asked in the interview. However, you can prepare yourself for the frequently asked virtual interview questions, including:

  • Why are you interested in this job?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What is your expected salary?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • How would you handle unprecedented challenges at work?
  • What do you consider as your biggest achievement?
  • Why should we hire you?

Rather than memorizing answers, write down your thoughts on each question and keep your notes handy. You can also prepare a list of questions to ask your hiring manager, such as:

  • What are the company’s goals this quarter?
  • How would you describe the ideal candidate for this designation?
  • What does a typical day look like for those hired for that specific job role?
  • What are the next steps of the hiring process?

4. Monitor Your Body Language

The handshake, which was used in in-person interviews to greet employers, communicate confidence, and exude enthusiasm, is not possible in the virtual recruitment process. However, you can display your confidence via video by:

  • Sitting straight with a smiling face
  • Focus on the camera when talking rather than looking at the hiring manager
  • Avoid twirling your hair or tapping your feet

5. Wear Professional Outfits

For virtual interviews, dress as you would do for face-to-face interviews. This will help you look professional and make you feel more confident and prepared. Men can wear a button-up shirt, blazer, and chinos, whereas women can wear a skirt with a matching top. Make sure to avoid vibrant colors and flashy accessories, as these will make you look casual distract your employer.

6. Build Rapport

Establishing a personal connection with the interviewer differentiates you from other candidates. When you are interviewed in-person, your gesture, enthusiasm, handshake, and self-introduction speech will help you build that rapport easily.

However, when communicating virtually, you can build that personal connection by talking about a common interest, asking the hiring manager about their experience so far with video interviews, or discussing other neutral topics.

7. Be Authentic

During virtual interviews, it is rare to speak in a relaxing, familiar environment and explain who you are and why you are the best fit for that designation. Recruiters will usually check your body language, facial expressions, and interview preparations to evaluate your confidence, personality, and whether you are the ideal candidate for that role. Therefore, make sure to be expressive and genuine throughout the interview and give them a reason to select you for that job role.

8. Follow Up

After your virtual interview, send a thank you email to everyone you met. This will show the hiring professionals that you value their time. You can also send a follow-up email to propose potential solutions to a business challenge brought up by the interviewer. However, make sure to keep it precise.

Follow these tips to master the virtual interview and be one step closer to joining your desired company.


University Frames

University Frames, an American company based in Anaheim, CA, has been providing custom diploma frames since 1990. We offer quality diploma frames that fit your taste and style. We are committed to providing the best customer experience through our quality craftsmanship and attention-to-detail approach. Contact us to get a custom diploma frame and show off your pride!